Monday, January 22, 2007

head banger!

My little boy is a head, not the music kind. The I'm mad, I want my way or else I'll hurt myself kind and it's NOT fun. Dr. says it's just a phase, but a phase that I wish he would get through and fast cause I don't know how much longer I can take this. This is the latest picture of how he has hurt himself. This is the worst it's ever gotten and I hope he outgrows this phase very soon. It breaks my heart to see him like this.


SSgtBullsGirl said...

Ohhh my - Jackson!
I hope you too get over this phase I think I have a headache for you.
Le Anne

Anonymous said...

Poor Jackson! stop beating yourself little man!! Lexie, I hope it passes soon too. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to see him do that. =( Hugs!

Dana said...

Geez! Now my head hurts! Poor little guy! I had a nephew that went through this. It didnt last long, just long enough for him to figure out it wasnt working. He is a great young man no permanent damage done. Rest easy momma.

StephF said...

my Jackson went thru that but he did it starting around 8 months to just over 1 year. We started walking out of the room when he did it to ignore him. I don't know if that was what stopped him or if he just finally realized it hurt!

Good luck!

shawnda said...

Bless his heart. My Emmy's not a head banger but is a cluts and always has brusises on her forehead too. But I hope his passes soon, feeling for ya.